Ernesto Arellano GM 10th Dan 2nd Gen. Founder and Director International Kenpo Kobudo Hakutsuru Association
Ernesto Arellano GM 2nd Gen. In Kenpo is a protege of the late GGM Al Tracy and presently learning under GM Pat Tracy from International Studios of Self Defense and GM Adrian Roman from Native American Kenpo Council. Both of these gentleman direct first generation students of the late SGM Ed Parker. Al Tracy and Adrian Roman appeared in the Worldwide famous and respected Black Belt Magazine.
Ernesto Arellano GM 2nd Gen. In Shuri Ryu Kobudo & Hakutsuru (White Crane) is a protege of Robert H Bowles Hanshi from International Shuri Ryu Association direct first generation student of the late O’sensei Robert A Trias.
International Kenpo Kobudo Hakutsuru Association (IKKHA) was formed and is operated from World Headquarters in Bourbonnais, IL. Our main goal is to promote the Martial Arts and Weaponry Internationally without any politics.
We sincerely wish that our Association reaches everyone Worldwide and that no matter if you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced we are here to help with your advancement in rank and continue with your training in the Martial Arts.